• Launch of the «Saudi Aramco for energy projects» company


    Saudi Arabian Oil Company "Saudi Aramco" Announced Yesterday the launch of "Saudi Aramco company for energy projects" which is an investment company subsidiary of and fully owned by Saudi Aramco, and headquarters in Dhahran. The new company will invest in technologies that enhance aramco's position as a leader in the field of energy technologies, which characterize the strategic importance of Saudi Aramco.

    Engineer Khalid bin Abdul Aziz Al-Faleh, Saudi Aramco President and CEO, ensured that the company'' Saudi Aramco for energy projects'' represents an important step in the process of strategic shift experienced by Aramco to become a leading global integrated energy company that distinguished by technology innovation and development, indicating that the new company will help to meet the challenges of the energy sector in the long run through innovating of modern techniques and more effective cooperation with the inventors and developers of pilot projects in the world.
    International investments to "Saudi Aramco for energy projects" will target new innovative technologies companies   and those that have high growth rates and can achieve more added-value in the techniques of exploration and production, refining, processing and marketing, as well as the areas of renewable energy sources and technologies that raise the efficiency of water and energy consumption  ,it will ,also, through its investments, advance the development of new technologies, which will contribute to further economic development in Saudi Arabia.

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